Exporting Cargo is 99% of our client ship's business and we have streamlined process for this that we have proven over the years.


Here are some forms that our clients find useful for preparing cargo for export. Please remember to email us with an invoice and cargo description as soon as possible so we can book your cargo.

U.S. Custom's Motor Vehicle - vehicle export instructions - download here

Proceso de Aduana - instrucciones para exportar un vehiculo 

Power of Attorney for export documentation - download here

Instructions for how to apply for an individual or corporate EIN

EIN Individual application -

Importing Cargo sometimes is unavoidable

Before we tell you about how to import cargo you must bear in mind that it is very expensive and time-consuming. Please consider carefully whether you really must make this import. Also the laws, or the application of the laws, are different for air freight than it is for ocean freight. If this is something small that you can take as excess baggage on your flight into Puerto Rico you will save a considerable amount of money and avoid a lot of headaches.

Imports into Puerto Rico are especially difficult because we have two complete governments to satisfy both the United States and the Puerto Rican one each with complex tariffs and import fees: "arbitrious".

  1. Always email us first with as many documents as you can find attached to that email. We need invoices, good descriptions of the cargo, if a return or transhipment then we need the old bill of lading. 
  2. If you have already hired a U.S. Custom's broker (you will need one) copy him in the email. We can suggest Custom's brokers that we have worked successfully with in the past.
  3. If your import is a motor vehicle (and the local laws consider anything that rolls a motor vehicle including a forklift) then prepare yourself for very high import fees "arbitrious" and even more red tape. Please don't think that you can import a car to be repaired and then re-exported any easier. That is one of the most difficult expensive processes there are. 
  4. After you hire your Custom's broker and receive a "booking" bill of lading from us (at least three days in advance)  then the cargo can be laden on our next voyage.
  5. Your cargo will be held on the dock in Puerto Rico until your Custom's broker furnishes us with a release for both U.S. Customs and "arbitrious". In addition to all your broker's fees and and import tariffs there is also a $150 "arbitrious"  booking fee that must be paid before your cargo can be released.
  6. If the release for your cargo takes more than a week (often the case with motor vehicles) then there will also be additional port authority fees for demurrage.